Guest Post Policy

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash.

Occasionally, I publish guest articles on Speaking of Suicide. If you are interested in submitting a piece you’ve written or intend to write, please email me. If you submit a query for the purpose of marketing a site or service, I will not reply; I get too many marketing inquiries to respond.

Please note: I will reply only to inquiries for writing a guest post that meets the following criteria:

  • The article must specifically focus on helping someone with suicidal thoughts, coping with suicidal thoughts, or some other aspect of suicide, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, suicide loss, or clinical work related to suicide assessment, intervention or prevention. Possible topics could include how you learned to stay alive despite your suicidal thoughts, how you’ve coped with the suicide of someone you love, community suicide prevention – and more. 
  • It’s important that the article not just mention suicide or suicidality peripherally. If the word “suicide,” “suicidal,” or “suicidality” would be out of place in the title, it’s probably not sufficiently focused on suicide. If in doubt, please ask me via the form at the bottom of the page.
  • The post must not contain any marketing, advertising, or promotion of a company or product, or be written in the service of a company that pays you for marketing or related services. If your post is accepted for publication and it contains links to a company, product or other commercial endeavor, I may remove those links, as well as any other details used for marketing a product or service, with the exception of links to relevant books or articles. This site doesn’t earn any money and contains no paid advertising. I am committed to maintaining its integrity. Exceptions may be made for services specific to suicide prevention, such as continuing education providers in suicide assessment and intervention.
  • The post must meet other criteria specified in the Comments Policy. In particular, I don’t publish posts that encourage people to die by suicide, advocate for suicide as a solution to problems, advise people on how to end their life, discuss an unequivocal plan to die by suicide, or otherwise run contrary to my mission of helping people to stay alive – and to want to stay alive. (If you want to know more about my reasoning, see this post: Speaking of Suicide…Within Limits.)
  • Your post also must not have been published already.

Other things to consider:

  • In some cases, I offer a small honorarium if your piece is accepted. (The amount depends on how many submissions I receive. I receive no compensation for this site, and I cover its expenses with my own money.)
  • I may choose to edit your article, with your permission and collaboration.
  • You will retain the copyright.

Interested in submitting a guest article?

If so, please email me with your idea. If it’s a good fit for the site, you’ll hear from me soon!